Sunday, October 5, 2014

cobaya sobe update and more

Dear Guinea Pigs:

An update and follow-up on a couple events noted here or on the mailing list during the past couple weeks:

Scott Anderson Dinner (10.20.14):

On Monday October 20, 2014 at 7pm, Scott Anderson of Elements restaurant will be cooking with chefs Conor Hanlon of the Dutch (Experiment #42) and Jeremiah Bullfrog (Experiment #19, Experiment #2, 2.5, plus countless assists along the way). Elements is a bit off the radar, in Princeton New Jersey, but incredibly highly regarded by those who have been - enough so to get listed in Opinionated About Dining's Top 20 US Restaurants list. To get an idea of Scott's style, I urge you to read this ChuckEats post or this one from DocSconz. When I heard he was looking to do a dinner down here, I was glad to help set it up. The Dutch is graciously hosting the dinner, and seats are $200 all in (including tax & tip). The link to buy seats is here (first come first served), I hope you'll come:

Cobaya SoBe (2.20.15):

We announced a couple weeks ago that we'll be teaming up with the South Beach Wine & Food Festival for a dinner at the fest next February. It's not completely Cobaya-style, as the chefs and location are already announced, but it's a great list: Andrew Zimmern, host of Bizarre Foods and our guest at Experiment #21; offal and charcuterie maven Chris Cosentino (of San Francisco's Porcellino and Boccalone); Makoto Okuwa, chef of Bal Harbour's Makoto (and a Cobaya alum from Experiment #32); and local hero Michael Schwartz of Michael's Genuine Food & Drink, with the gorgeous new Pérez Art Museum as our venue.

We had a limited block of seats for Cobaya members for which we ran a lottery, and we know many more people requested seats than we had available. Here's another chance: more seats are being sold through the SOBEWFF website starting this Monday October 6, 2014 at 9am. Unfortunately, the pre-sale price for Cobaya members is no longer available, so the spots through the website will be $350 - but we think it will be one of the premier events of the festival and surely the biggest lineup of heavy hitters we've ever put together. The dinner will be Friday February 20, 2015 at 7pm, and the link to buy seats is here:

Seats are limited for both of these events so we encourage you to move quickly. Thanks, as always, for your interest.